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Global Standard Essential Patent Litigation: Anti-Suit and Anti-Anti-Suit Injunctions
The global litigation of standard essential patents (SEP) is taking a new turn with the jurisdictional battle between national courts. Some courts have started issuing anti-suit injunctions (ASI) to prohibit parallel litigation and consolidate...
The relationship between culture and economy is facing a new phase based on an increasing connection between culture, creativity and technological innovation. A New Era is beginning where cultural organisations may face different challenges that emerged from the diffusion of digital technology. The digital revolution has pervaded and transformed not only various industrial sectors, but the whole of society. The most evident consequences are in terms of new forms of representation of cultural heritage, growing creative capacity and new market niches.
This edited collection seeks to enlarge this debate with the aim of offering a wide discussion of topics related to the role of new technologies and innovation for cultural and creative sectors and organisations. In particular, the objective is twofold: (a) understanding new dynamics generated by digital transformation and how they may affect the cultural and creative industries and organisations; (b) identifying the new challenges in the development of new trajectories for cultural and creative sectors in the Digital Era.